Wednesday, February 7, 2007

hecTic weEk

gOsh.. i managed to survived the constant bombarded of lab tests, quiz n assignment =s was a tough first 3 daes of the week.. finally its over n im so glad.. leaft w MCT proj den im free.. haha... =) todae had lab test n acc. class test..

the mornin lab test is simply lk a prac. lab coz whole class practically ask alot of qns to the cher n TO THE ONE BESIDE, BEHIND THEM... haha.. cher lk gif us hints n hints.. make mi so worried n studied so hard for the test last nite.. lol..

lunch w missie.. was well =) glads* went library to slack before usin the final 45mins to study acc ( revised i muz sae) haas.. test was alright.. crossing fingers* slightly harder than expected.. but well.. i make enough preparations.. haha.. after tt went for first aid crash course.. a short 2hr 30 mins.. tot was bored.. indeed it was but well.. mi, zal n siddique make nonsense jokes on the tings we learnin.. haha.. keep tokin abt zal's lazy eye.. haha.. zal gt so hooked up when he saw a panty linear look-alike bandage... hahaa.. idiot.

slacked in sch till 8 before headin home.. after a quick dinner den went out to gt lobster food n bought another one.. haha =D so i gt 2! pet lobster.. NO. they cant be eaten, simply coz their full grown size are unlike the normal ones.. juz lk do u eat luo-han fish? no right? lol =D aight.. endin here.. tml muz do our best in completin MCT proj. =) wish mi luck.