Saturday, January 20, 2007

boRing satUrdae =x

well.. its lk so damn boring todae? walked to sch for abt 45 mins.. thank god it started drizzling after i reach sch.. if nt? haha.. nth much at the open hse booth todae.. walked ard.. help tis n tt.. Hardy mirza came.. i wonder hw does it feels gg back to ya old sch being a star? the route u used to take juz lk anyone else but tis time its different.. u need to be esorted to the makeshift stage w pple chantin ya name.. hmms. great feelin? mayb... yet mayb nt.. haas.. who cares.. juz glad tt i resisted ed & co's evil plot of luring mi to buy ben&jerry.. tell u.. im a changed person from nw on.. haas.. i'll try to cut down on the sweet stuff coz its hurtin my precious teeth.. it chipped off the 2nd time rd after eating sweet agn.. Grr.. luckily i patch it back =D haven been accompanyin her lately.. hope she wun gt too upset.. smiles* im still w u even thou im physically unable to..

well.. really gt to work hard tis term n do as well.. final yr's at stake =x poly life pass so damn freakin fast n its f***ing scary.. haas.. some of my old boys alr entered army can u imagine tt? haha.. well.. im gonna be a clerk so the only weapon ive ish the pen & staples.. juz tt ruth's maffia =D

gtg end here.. bye bye! hugs & kisses to my own princess =D